Below is the formula I am using to test if an engine has run more than 336 hours. The first IF statement keeps the cell clear if there aren't any hours recorded on the 'DIV3 hours' worksheet. The next IF checks another worksheet called 'Logic' to see if a button has been used to indicate that the engine test has been completed. The third IF statement checks the number of hours on 'DIV3 hours' and then fills the cell with some text. When the hours are summed up in a range I found out that the data on the 'DIV3 hours' page has many decimal places. It was already formatted for no decimal places.

=IF(SUM('DIV3 hours'!K42:N42)<1,"",IF(Logic!C63=TRUE,"Completed",IF(SUM('DIV3 hours'!K42:N42)>336,"Need Test",SUM('DIV3 hours'!K42:N42)&" of 336hrs")))

This returned "8.5850000000001 of 336hrs" in the cell. Is ther a way I can get it to only display whole numbers?