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Convert dd/mm/yyyy DATE >> to mm/yyyy TEXT

  1. #1
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    Convert dd/mm/yyyy DATE >> to mm/yyyy TEXT

    I want to use parse data in a piviot table by months. The data is in the format of dd/mm/yyyy. Changing the date format to mm-yy does not change the date serial number and the pivot table still sees the individual days. I need to either convert the date code to mm/yyyyy or change the format from date to text. I'd settle for either solution.


  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Convert dd/mm/yyyy DATE >> to mm/yyyy TEXT

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    As you have seen, all formatting does to a cell is change the appearance of the data, it does not change that actual contents of the cell. If you want to extract the month number from a date, then use =MONTH(cell-ref). This will give you a numeric value from 1-12

    You can also use =year() to extract the year, then combine =year(cell-ref)&month(cell-ref)
    Note, this will give you a text answer, to convert that to a numerics...
    Last edited by FDibbins; 02-05-2014 at 09:20 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Convert dd/mm/yyyy DATE >> to mm/yyyy TEXT

    That worked with a CONCANTINATE(MONTH(A2),"/",YEAR(A2))

    I ended up using this, You are able to make your own - so named "custom" formats.
    Right click follow Fomat cells... then Category: custom write to box Type: mm.yyyy and confirm ENTER.
    You can use also Type: mmmm "-" yyyy

    Or use something like this: =TEXT(A1;"mmmm.yyyy") suppose in cell A1 = 14.1.2014 => result is january.2014
    Or =TEXT(A1;"mmmm - yyyy")

    Thanks for the help.


  4. #4
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Convert dd/mm/yyyy DATE >> to mm/yyyy TEXT

    great job

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  5. #5
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    Re: Convert dd/mm/yyyy DATE >> to mm/yyyy TEXT

    Problem [SOLVED]

    is there a button I need to push?

  6. #6
    Forum Guru benishiryo's Avatar
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    Re: Convert dd/mm/yyyy DATE >> to mm/yyyy TEXT

    hi Mr X. if you're using Pivot, you should make full use of its features of dates inside it. use the group function in Pivot table so that you don't have to change the source. right-click any of the cells with dates & click on Group. use Month & Year. This method's "downside" is that you won't be able to format to mmm.yyyy
    but notice that my dates in the file are arranged in order because they are recognized as dates. they go from years, then from Jan to Dec. making them text will not work in this way.

    few things required for it to work
    1. your data source for the pivot cannot have blank rows. mine is A1:B20. so i cannot range A1:B100 where A21:B100 are blanks
    2. dates in column A cannot have blanks. so even if i range A1:B20, A7 for eg cannot be blank
    3. the cells for the date must be formatted as dates

    Problem [SOLVED]

    is there a button I need to push?
    Ford answered this question in post # 4.
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