
I have three sheets: the first contain many data and the second and third have to find specific data in the first one.

With help of this excelent excel knowledge source, I made this formula that I use in the second sheet:

=SUM(COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"K13"; brut!$D:$D;{"1";"2";"3"}

Where brut is the first sheet and "1T", "K13" , "1","2","3"are arguments to look and count.

it works fine and the result of the formula is numbers - if the result is 1, 1, if the result is 2, 2...

I would like some help for the third sheet. I need that the formula give not a result but what are in a cell in the first sheet.

I made this formula:

=IF(COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"K13"; brut!$D:$D;{"1"});brut!$E:$E; 0)

Where brut is the first sheet and "1T", "K13" and "1" are arguments to look and brut!$E:$E is the result that I want.

What happened:

The result is not related to the argument "K13" that I want, but is brut$E:$E in the line 13. If I change to "k17", is brut$E:$E in line 17.

Thanks in advance,

Regards from Brazil