So I will be inputing configuration output commands from routers and switches that hold IP's attached to data centers.

When pasted into excel, the first line of data that I need to grab will be from cell A32 (a IP) on the first sheet every time. I will then need to match this IP, to, I guess you could call it a table of ip addresses that are assigned to their respective Data center.

so something like:

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(Sheet2!A2:A50,A32)), "Display 3 Cells to the left of the match Now my problem. When the cell A32 Contains lets say it should then link itself to the address on sheet two which lives inbetween Sheet2!A2:A50. When it searches this it should search the entire range and find its match. Then it should display the cell to the left right or any direction of the matched cell.



I know this is not right and I know this is probably not the right way. I am a noob and trying to improve myself for my job.

I'd like to do this so that way I can just have it refer to a column and display the information associated with the correct cell in that columns row. No manual entries would be required after it was built.