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Deciding on 1st place 2nd place etc for a TOP 10 List

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    Excel 2007

    Deciding on 1st place 2nd place etc for a TOP 10 List

    I have a spreadsheet with the following details:

    Column A: Team Name (name)
    Column B: FTF (number)
    Column C: Caches Placed (number)
    Column D: Max Found Day (number)
    Column E: Number of Days (number)
    Column F: Total Finds for Month (number)

    Row 3-103 I have details

    In Column H3-H12 I have the numbers 1-10

    I want formulas for the following columns in rows 3-12
    In Column I: I want the names that correspond with the numbers in Column J
    In Column J: I want a list from biggest to smallest of the most FTF (TOP 10) Bear in mind that we can have duplicate numbers
    In Column K: I want the names that correspond with the numbers in Column L
    In Column L: I want a list from biggest to smallest of the most Caches Placed (TOP 10) Bear in mind that we can have duplicate numbers
    In Column M: I want the names that correspond with the numbers in Column N
    In Column N: I want a list from biggest to smallest of the most Max Found Day (TOP 10) Bear in mind that we can have duplicate numbers
    In Column O: I want the names that correspond with the numbers in Column M
    In Column P: I want a list from biggest to smallest of the most Total Finds for Month (TOP 10) Bear in mind that we can have duplicate numbers

    I have attached the spreadsheet if I have not explained myself properly
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