On the attached I have a set of data where the week of the year is my column header. The "1" in the cells are determined with a distinct row field (removed for privacy) from a pivot table. Earlier I got help here to identify the first non null value in a row and then return it's corresponding column header. I used =IF(COUNTA(A3:K3),INDEX(A$2:K$2,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(A3:K3<>"",0),0)),"") to achieve it. I want to expand this a bit and need some help. I need a formula to start at the far left and find cells where there are three consecutive non null values in a row and return the column header for the first "1" it encounters when it finds the first 3 consecutive grouping. I've added column P and put values in that I would want returned. I only need the first column header from the first 3 in a row grouping found. If there is no three in a row grouping I'd want it to display text, something like "not valid" I appreciate your time and help with this!


First instance.xlsx