Hello Forum Members,

I am new here, and have a question regarding conditional formatting. I have been tasked with creating a simple game for a group training project.

The game consists of users filling in the answers to questions (simple one word text answers). My boss wants to have a master sheet with the correct answers, and a subsequent sheet that will then compare the employee's answer to the master sheet. If the employee's answer is correct, then the output sheet simply displays the correct answer, however, if the employee's answer is wrong, he would like the output to display the correct answer and highlight the cell.

Is there a way to have the output sheet highlight a cell only when the answer on the employee sheet is different from the master sheet? I was thinking along the lines of using an if statement to see if the values of the employee sheet differ from the master sheet, but I do not know how I would then use that result to highlight the cells in the output sheet.

I appreciate any input you may be able to provide.

With regards,
Paul W.