Hello everyone,
I have an Excel behavior quite funny on the use of document templates ...

My need is to apply a template Excel colors by default, created by my designer team.
Very quickly on the net, I saw that to create a model Excel I just need to put the Workbook.xltx in "C:\Program Files ( x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\XLSTART".

The good news is that it works when I run Excel ; I have my "color theme".

BUT if Excel is already open and if i open a new workbook (File > New> New blank Workbook) : The color theme is not applies ! And the funny is that if I do a CTRL + N the template applies correctly !
What the difference between CTRL + N and New > New blank workbook?

Any idea? This seems crazy !
Of course I have tested on a >10 computers ... ( all Win7 SP1 And Office 2K10 SP2 x86)