I am attempting to use the fill handle of highlighted area on a worksheet that contains cells that extract info from another worksheet ... when I drag the fill handle,.... the cells that contain the formula that is referencing information from another worksheet are not getting populated with the approiate "next" cell of the referenced worksheet:
It's not incrementing in a "linear" fashion.
Example: WorkSheet 1 has rows of text with cell D8 having formula : ='WorkSheet 2'!A2,... with more rows of text (~37 rows of text) after that in WorkSheet 1
When I Highlight what I want to pattern copy in WorkSheet 1,... everything gets repeated properly but the info in the repeated pattern containg the formula does not have the NEXT cell reference in it,... it's getting incremented way too much cell D43 of WorkSheet 1 has the formula : ='WorkSheet 2'!A37 ...... I was expecting A3 ,... not A37.
I tried having three pages of manually inputting the proper cell references so that a pattern could be recongnized,... but when I use the fill handle to continue the process,.. that cell keeps getting the eronous cell input rather than the patten I would expect.
Is this fill handle function not usable for what I'm trying to do?
Any other way to do this ??