
I'm getting married this weekend and we have been working on a spreadsheet for assigning guests to tables. Unfortunately, on my future wife's side of the family, there are a lot of rules about who can sit at who's table. I have been tinkering for the past few day on trying to make an easy tracking system for the tables. I know the rules about who can sit where, I'm just looking for a "live" update of who is sitting where after I assign them a table number.

My data is broken into

Name Table #
Her Mother Table 1
Her Father Table 3
Her Step-Father Table 1
Her Grandmother Table 3
My Mother Table 2

I would like to keep using this format to place table assignments since I have other columns for meal choices, gifts, etc...

I would like to be able to have a table that would add the name of the person when a table number is assigned.

Example of what I'm looking for

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table etc...
Her Mother My Mother Her Father
Her Step-Father Her Grandmother

I've been trying to figure out a formula using vlookup and if functions to automatically place anyone who has Table 1 in Column A, Table 2 in Column B, Table 3 in Column C, etc..., but it has not been going well.

Any ideas?

Thank you