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Vlookup with 2 criteria help

  1. #1
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    Vlookup with 2 criteria help

    Hi guys,

    I'm trying to create a lookup function in excel that will filter through 2 criteria.

    So I have attached my workbookBook1.xlsx

    What I need to do is create a function that will first filter it by the year, and then the annual period and return the value on column E based on that criteria. So if the year is 1, and annual period (column B) is 12, the returned value should be 13,585.

    I know i could make a concatenate to do this separately, but was wondering if there are any other method that could do it within 1 equation relying solely on the table provided.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help



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    Incidentally most of us avoid merged cells like the plague, they just cause far too much trouble in all sorts of ways.
    It's not so important here since column A isn't being used in any calculation but be aware. Ideally you would have the year number in every row in column A although it seems somewhat redundant since you have actual dates.
    Richard Buttrey

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  3. #3
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help

    Thank you for your reply.

    Could you explain to me the equation?

    I know what index does, but not sure I understand how you came up with the math equation there.

    Was it to take out the extra two rows at the top?

  4. #4
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help

    Also, I've used Vlookup and where you insert the column number, you use MATCH.

    Match works similarly to vlookup, MATCH(lookup value, lookup row), except it returns a column number in the row, not the value.

    I personally use one that is =VLOOKUP($A2, 'usage!' $A$2:$NV$290, MATCH(B$1,'usage!' $B$2:$NV$1)+1,FALSE)

    since Match returns the column number, and my Match starts in B instead of A, that '+1' at the end helps with alignment to get the correct data.
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  5. #5
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help


    The row number of each row is the same as your consecutively numbered monthly periods plus 2

    Hence all you need to do is identify the row number. Since there are always 12 periods in a year multiplying the number of years by 12 will give you a starting number. e.g. multiplying M4 x 12 when M4 = 1 gives 12. Now we deduct 10 to give us a start row for the year, i.e. row 2 and then add in the period number in the year (M5) and that gives us 14. Hence 14 is the index number for the row element of the INDEX() function.

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