Hi folks,

I am trying to model a company, and I want to be able to see, the FYs and the quarters adjacently like so when no columns are hidden:

FY 2000, Q1 2000, Q2 2000, Q3 2000, Q4 2000, FY2001, Q1 2001, Q2 2001 Q3 2001, Q4 2001, FY 2001, Q1 2002 etc...

Now i can easily group all the Quarter columns, or all the FY columns, so that hiding that group means I can only see the FY or quarterly columns respectively. However clearly I can only group all the quarters, or all the FYs, I cant group them both because that would mean grouping every column.

However. I want to be able to group them so that I can press a button that allows me to see:

1) The quarterly columns only,
2) the FY columns only

and 3), if nothing is hidden, both together as in the pattern at the beginning of this question.

Is this possible?

Thanks and Kind Regards,
