Dear all,

In an Access database the location per day and person is tracked, e.g.

Name Date Location
Joe 02.01.2015 Home
Joe 03.01.2015 Office
Joe 04.01.2015 Office
Joe 05.01.2015 School
Joe 06.01.2015 Office
Fred 02.01.2015 Office
Fred 03.01.2015 Office
Fred 04.01.2015 Office
Fred 05.01.2015 Office
Fred 06.01.2015 Client

I would like to get an overview in a timeline to know who is when where (see attachment). Any idea how this could be solved in Excel (or in Access). I would like most if not only the location would be shown by date, but have the fields for the same location combined (see attachment).


In best case the starting point should also be variable, e.g. today.

Do you have any idea? Thanks for your responses.

