The last method that I posted was what worked after many tries using different methods in the criteria area. I was always getting records that didn't belong and that isn't acceptable.

The criteria as entered in message #15 F5:G21 is the way to go. I would use a separate worksheet for the advanced filter and when done just delete the worksheet. This shouldn't cause any problems for Excel.

The Contextures site has a section for having the filtered data to appear on a separate worksheet which would make it easy to get rid of in your case.

If you follow these directions you should have no problems. Just remember that the Criteria Range MUST be on the same worksheet as the source data.

This is the text quoted from Contextures
If the database is on one sheet, you can extract data to a different sheet, by using an Advanced Filter. In this example, the data is on Sheet1, and will be copied to Sheet2.
1.Go to Sheet2
2.Select a cell in an unused part of the sheet (cell C4 in this example).
3. On the Excel Ribbon's Data tab, click Advanced
4. Choose Copy to another location.
5. Click in the List Range box
6. Select Sheet1, and select the database.
7. (optional) Click in the Criteria range box.
8. Select the criteria range
9. Click in the Copy to box.
10. Select the cell on Sheet2 in which you want the results to start, or select the headings that you have typed on Sheet2.
11. (optional) Check the box for Unique Values Only
12. Click OK