Hey guys,

I have uploaded a "ContosoRetailDW" from SQL Server. And part of my Data Model in excel looks like below.

I want "SalesAmount" to be displayed by a hierarchy field called "Hier_Geography". As you can see, both the tables - FactSales & DimSalesterritory are not related directly. The thing that frustrates me is that I would have been able to do find the SalesAmount for any of the fields in DimSalesTerritory in SQL Server by mere joins but I cannot do the same in excel because of these directional relations.

My first questions would be - How do we create a Map in Powerview with the fields "SalesAmount" & "Hier_Geography"? I know the steps. I just don't know how to get around the error that says "You have to create a relationship"

My second question is - What is the Data Model in Excel signifies? Is it different from the traditional EER diagram where we have crow's foot notation?

Thank you so much for reading through this and please help me as soon as you can.
