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Excel retaining old cell fill colors?

  1. #1
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    Excel retaining old cell fill colors?

    Hi there.

    I am currently designing a fact sheet for my company with 8-10 graphs on one chart sheet. I've been playing with the colors a little bit to try to make it more modern-looking, but it looks like that might have created a problem.

    On my screen and on the print preview, I see the new color scheme. But when I print it, there are certain cells where the old colors have printed out. I've tried returning the cells back to the default color and starting again, as well as trying to copy table to a different chart sheet, but nothing's working.

    Any advice on how I can get it to print accurately?


  2. #2
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    Re: Excel retaining old cell fill colors?

    FYI... I just converted the chart sheet to a PDF and it printed out fine. But I we make a lot of these graph sheets, so I would like to find a way to print them directly out of Excel so that I don't have to convert to PDF each time. Any ideas as to what's wrong?

  3. #3
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Excel retaining old cell fill colors?

    If you are using a laser printer, it may not have sufficient memory to handle all the graphics. Having looked at some new colour laser printers, some of the specifications mention memory specs and others don't. I have had some pretty strange results (though years ago) because of this.

    If this is being printed on an inkjet printer I suspect that there is some kind of corruption in the graphics area. Can you copy the graphics (one at a time and not the whole worksheet) to a new workbook then copy and paste values and formulae where applicable then apply cell formatting as required?

    If you are using tables and are manually formatting them, it can be difficult to get rid of old formatting when reformatting the table. (I have just gone through this) The solution to getting rid of the old formatting was to select the entire columns affected and then click on Clear Formats and start over.

    Good luck.
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    Ron W

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