Could you look at this excel sheet and see if you can what I am missing?

Blue cells are NFL game scores

Red cells are the list of Visiting teams, followed by the list of Home teams
The column “G” in red is an IF/THEN to find out if that team won or lost.
All of that is working like expected

Then Column A & B is where I am having trouble.

“A” is a list of all NFL teams in alphabetical order
“B” I want to be a look up field, Look in “A” find the match in “F20-F45” give me the value of “G”.

It works for some teams and not others. It has value for team that are not in the look up list because they are off.

Any ideas?

Col “C” is if they are home or visiting I thought that had something to do with it
Col “D” is the correct value that should be in ”B”
