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Need to Populate a list of cells increasing a specific formula value by one each time

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    Need to Populate a list of cells increasing a specific formula value by one each time


    I use an excel spreadsheet to monitor what I wear each day. Odd I know but it works for me

    The spreadsheet helps me see if I am not wearing something and thus can get rid of it or perhaps look too use it more. An example of my tops/shirts is attached to show you what I have, but the full version covers ALL my clothes with more detail than shown in my example.

    I have now created a separate spreadsheet which gives me monthly and yearly usage of each item using a formula I was assisted with here last year. This spreadsheet was had to be redone from scratch because of a reorganisation of the original spreadsheet, clothes bought/discarded etc and some other bits I needed to change.

    What I now need to do is copy the formula from columns C to O Row 4 into each row below but if I use the Duplicate command or pull the list down to Auto populate the cells it changes the cell range which is searched and not the search critera. So the formula:

    =COUNTIF('D:\[Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx]Shirt Usage'!B24:AG35,"*01*")
    =COUNTIF('D:\[Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx]Shirt Usage'!B24:AG35,"*01*")
    =COUNTIF('D:\[Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx]Shirt Usage'!B25:AG36,"*01*")
    =COUNTIF('D:\[Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx]Shirt Usage'!B26:AG37,"*01*")

    and not

    =COUNTIF('D:\[Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx]Shirt Usage'!B24:AG35,"*01*")
    =COUNTIF('D:\[Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx]Shirt Usage'!B24:AG35,"*02*")
    =COUNTIF('D:\[Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx]Shirt Usage'!B24:AG35,"*03*")

    Which is what I actually need. So my question is this: Is there a way to tell or get Excel to increase the search criteria by one each time but leave the search range alone? Or do I need to copy the formulas and then manually edit each cell? Bearing in mind on the example this is 1873 cells and I would have to increase that by around 4 times to cover the other items I have as well so it is not a task I want to do manually at all!

    I hope that makes sense and if anyone can help (even if it is to say it can't be done) I would really appreciate it as I have no idea and everything I have tried has come to nothing


    Clothes-Inventory-Test.xlsx Clothes-Stats-Test.xlsx
    Last edited by MaximusPrimal; 01-10-2016 at 04:15 PM. Reason: Presentation

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