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Creating an Automatic popup that generates changing data

  1. #1
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    Creating an Automatic popup that generates changing data

    So I am working on a large spreadsheet with a lot of information that links back to multiple worksheets within the workbook. I have attached a significantly scaled down version.

    Ultimately, I believe I am looking to insert a VBA or some complex formula into the worksheet entitled “Individual Count”. This worksheet pulls information from both the “Current Overview - 16” worksheet and the “Prev. Overview-15” Worksheet. Both of those Worksheets link back to information found from the 4 "T" worksheets.

    While on the “Individual Count” ws, I want to be able to hover over each individual cell between B5:H34 and L5:S34, and have it display a mouseover/popup containing information coming/correlating from the “Current Overview-16” worksheet and the “Prev. Overview-15” Worksheet. The mouseover should contain the name(s),which are represented in row 4 of both the “Current Overview-16” or the “Prev. Overview-15” Worksheet

    For example, in cell "D14" of the “Individual Count” ws, it says there are 4 counts that are “other than satisfied”. I want to be able to hover over D14 and see that T1, T2, T3, and T4 are other than satisfied. (these names are from row 4 of the "Current Overview- 16" and is verified by cross checking row 14, number 10. )

    Another example would be hovering over B19 in the “Individual Count” ws and seeing only T2 and T4 popup since they are the only ones that are satisfied (again, information coming from the "Current Overview- 16" ws - crosscheck row 19, number 15.)

    One last thing is that the information on the 4 "T" pages can change at any time using the dropdown value in each cell which changes the linked information on the remainder worksheets, and i dont know how that would affect the VBA/formula.

    I am sorry if this explanation is confusing. Ideally, this would be a popup similar to a comment box, but has information that is constantly changing. In my working workbook, there will be over 6000 cells that will need this feature. I don't even know if it could be done using Excel. Please advise if it can be.

    Thank you!
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Creating an Automatic popup that generates changing data

    I can't give you a hover, but I can give you a double-click event. Double click on the cell and you will get a synopsis. It was mostly getting the formula and stripping out the pieces.

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    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Creating an Automatic popup that generates changing data

    I just noticed. You do not want column S. Change code to read:
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  4. #4
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    Re: Creating an Automatic popup that generates changing data

    Another option, including the hover (based on the function "Hyperlink" combined with a UDF).
    In the attachment i applied this to range B5:H34 of sheet "Individual Count".
    Hover over any of these cells (except those with result 0), it will show you T1, T2, T3, T4 as requested.
    Formula in B5:
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