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Need Help: Distributing 75 names into into 4 teams across 6 lectures in 4 time slots.

  1. #1
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    Need Help: Distributing 75 names into into 4 teams across 6 lectures in 4 time slots.

    Hello good people,


    I would truly appreciate some help with this task, as it is both difficult (for me) + rather urgent.

    I have to sort 75 people (unique initials) into 4 different lectures during a day.

    There is in total 6 different lectures being held during the day, but each person can only attend 4 out of the 6 lectures, because there are only 4 time slots.

    All 6 lectures are being held 4 times during the day simultaneously, but each new time slot a new group of people join the lecture.

    The 6 lectures are called:
    A, B, K, H, P, G

    The people who are going to attend the specified lectures are locked (they must attend the lectures they are already assigned to), but the teams are NOT fixed/locked they can be changed (several time if needed), right now they are just randomly selected to make the problem more clear.

    To explain the problem more clearly, here is a participants point of view:
    Today I am going to attend 4 lectures i have been assigned to, but i since there is only 4 time slots i can only attend 4 out of the 6 lectures. I will join each lecture with a group of either 12 or 13 people, but when i move from lecture 1 to lecture 2, it is not necessarily the same people i was grouped with during lecture 1. Each lecture i attend will receive a total of 50 different unique people because 75/6 = 12,5 people per session. And 12,5 * 4 = 50 unique people.
    For obvious reasons I can't attend two lectures at the same time.


    Thanks for reading my post and hopefully you can help me solve this task.

    kind regards

  2. #2
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    Re: Need Help: Distributing 75 names into into 4 teams across 6 lectures in 4 time slots.

    The links are not valid. Please attach the workbook here.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Need Help: Distributing 75 names into into 4 teams across 6 lectures in 4 time slots.

    maybe it makes more sense to solve it with this setup


    any help is appreciated whether its fully or just partially solved.

    thanks again.

    kind regards
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  4. #4
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    Re: Need Help: Distributing 75 names into into 4 teams across 6 lectures in 4 time slots.

    100 US dollar for a solution. Need urgently please help me.

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