
I'm making a catalogue for my music that I save in HTML format, which allows me easy access on other devices and one click on the hyperlink instantly opens a tab with the song playing.

I create this table by copy-pasting one CSV per column, one column for artist, one for bitrate, one for filepath and so on. I have this program which reads my music, and generates those CSV which it fills in with all the ID3 data. And I can easily accomodate the script to generate something like:

<img src="file:\\W:\wf\Yoetc & Zombeats - Hold Your Breath.jpg" alt="waveform" width="200" height="20">

Because I made screenshots of all the waveforms and this would be the easiest way to add them: just let the browser fill the cell with the local files.

Now my problem is that when I save the sheet as HTML, those cells that are in deed HTML language, just get shown as text. Instead of an image I have text. And I'm completely despairing because every search result I got in the last 5 hours seems to be of people having the exact opposite problem. Which makes me wonder how I could be having trouble with this and also feel kind of stupid because they all have overly complicated solutions to avoid something that seems desirable to me.

So? How to preserve HTML script in a cell when saving an excell sheets as HTML? Why does excel change HTML into text? How to prevent excel <td> routine for certain cells? Can you force HTML images into an excel table? (I'm feeding the search engines, you never know)

Thank you for your attention