I have the following formula in cell V2 in my template file i.e. =IF(D2="Hold Client","Hold",IF((K2-$V$1)<0,"Red","Green")) however, if there is no data entered in cells A2 to U2 cell V2 automatically returns Red which is correct as it is following the formulas criteria.
Can anyone please advise me how to amend the formula =IF(D2="Hold Client","Hold",IF((K2-$V$1)<0,"Red","Green")) to check in the first instance to see if there is data in cell A2 and if not display cell V2 as blank (empty) otherwise populate the cell as the formula criteria.
N.B. in the attached file Example.xlxs there is no data in rows 8 to 227, however, Red is entered automatically as it matches the formula criteria and the formula needs to be amended to show a as blank (empty) cell
Many thanks in advance for any assistance received