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Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

  1. #1
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    Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    I have a simple capacity table which houses contact names down one side and days of the week across the top.

    I'd like the cells to go red if that contact is busy on a specific day, or go green if they are free... easy enough.

    However, this is an outlook for 2-3 weeks from the current week. The data of which is stored in a separate sheet, not within a set range of cells (these cells will change depending on the increase/decrease of demand).

    Is it possible to lookup IF date is 2 or 3 weeks from current week, match with the contact name(s) in the table and display the free/busy output in green/red?

  2. #2
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    A solution seems possible, but it's difficult to conceptualize what your data looks like. Would it be possible to post a small sample workbook (use: Go Advanced --> Manage Attachments) with all private data altered or removed? This would enable us to see your setup and experiment with solutions.

  3. #3
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    Hi - thanks for your reply

    Example attached.

    You'll see the white cells in Raw Data are the 2,3,4 week window (from current week) which I wish to match to the Capacity Calendar tab.

    I've manually shown in the capacity calendar tab the type of thing I'm after just by manually filling the cells in.

    Any questions or if I have not made it clear enough please ask.

    Last edited by JRC1; 02-23-2017 at 06:14 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    I don't know how much flexibility you have, but this task gets much easier if you automate some dates on your BT Capacity sheet. I put dates in row 5 using the following formula in C5:


    ...to return the date of the first Monday two weeks from now. With that starting point, you can then easily populate row 5 with dates that should automatically update. Using those dates, conditional formatting becomes more straightforward. For the red cells, I used a CF rule covering C7:U11 with the formula:

    =AND(COUNTIFS('Raw Data'!$J$2:$J$100,C$5,'Raw Data'!$L$2:$L$100,$B7)>0,C$5<>"")

    For the green cells, just swap out the ">" for an "=":

    =AND(COUNTIFS('Raw Data'!$J$2:$J$100,C$5,'Raw Data'!$L$2:$L$100,$B7)=0,C$5<>"")

    Both of these are set to account for entries through row 100 of your 'Raw Data' sheet. If you expect more entries than that, just change the "$100"s in the formulas to something bigger. Take a look at the attachment and see if it'll work for you:
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    Last edited by CAntosh; 02-22-2017 at 01:36 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    This is brilliant and I'm pretty sure it captures exactly what I am after, so thank you.

    I have three points (mainly to help my understanding):

    1. Could you please explain to me how the $B7 within the conditional formatting formula works? i.e. I understand that this is looking for the contact name in B7, which is "BT Contact 1", but how does it find the other contact names, for example in I9?... and how does it link and match these back to the raw data sheet?

    2. How does the Today(),3) part of the following formula work? It mentions serial number and return type?
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    3. Would it be possible to add functionality whereby if a contact is at capacity (all red) for a specific week, when their name is entered into the raw data sheet for the same week a message box appears saying "at capacity" or something along these lines?
    Last edited by JRC1; 02-23-2017 at 06:12 AM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    Glad I could help! As to your questions:

    1. When writing a CF formula for a large range of cells, the formula should be written for the top-left cell. Excel then adapts and applies it to the others, similar to doing a fill-right and fill-down. The formula is written with $B7 and C$5 as references because those are the relevant references for cell C7, the top-left cell of our range.

    2. The formula:


    Returns the date for Monday of the current weekday. WEEKDAY(TODAY(),3) returns a 0 on a Monday, 1 on a Tuesday, 2 on a Wed., etc. We're basically taking today's date and subtracting however many days it's been since Monday. Today()+14 simply bumps things up two weeks (14 days).

    3. It's certainly possible, though you can probably avoid unnecessary VBA by using conditional formatting again. Since one booking blocks out a contact for the day, you can use a basic CF rule of:


    ...applied to J2:L100 (or however far you need it) on your Raw Data sheet. Set the fill to red. The effect will be to highlight a contact and date in red ANY time an entry attempts to double book that contact. This would catch a user who tried to assign a meeting to a contact booked for the week, but it would also raise the alarm if the contact were even booked for just the day in question. Take a look at the attachment to see if it does the trick (I added some fake data to row 32):
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  7. #7
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    Can't thank you enough for your help on this - works brilliantly.

    I have one further request off the back of the above - it may be way too complex/unfeasible but worth a shot (even if only some of it is possible):

    1) 'select' a row in Raw Data
    2) move to capacity sheet
    3) double click on a "green" slot within the capacity sheet
    4) which then returns you to raw data having filled out the meeting date and contact columns for the row that was selected?


  8. #8
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    This is possible with a few worksheet events. I would recommend being a little more cautious with your step 1, though. It is possible to select a row in "Raw Data", secretly store that information, then change that row based on a double-click on a different sheet, but that seems needlessly vulnerable to user-error. Keep in mind that changes made with VBA events can't be undone with a simple Ctrl + Z. I would recommend making the last selected row in Raw Data clear to whomever might be making the concurrent change on your capacity sheet. In the attachment, I've created a basic selection change even on Raw Data:

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    This will input the last selected row on Raw Data into F1 on the Capacity Calendar so the user can see what row will be changed before double-clicking. From there, I added a double-click event on the Capacity sheet to carry over the selection:

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    This event will carry the date and contact information for the selected box over to the row shown in F1 on Raw Data. It will also select the appropriate row/cell so the user can enter the meeting time. The Capacity Calendar cell will automatically turn red to indicate that it is no longer available. Play around a bit with the attachment to see if it works as desired.

    *Both of my efforts above presume that you won't go beyond row 500 on Raw Data. If you need more space, just change the "500"s in each procedure to something bigger.
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  9. #9
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    Thanks CAntosh, this is fantastic

    One last request after a discussion with the user today:

    Occasionally 2 visits may occur on the same day, by the same contact...
    Would it be possible to amend the conditional formatting/vba so that in the Capacity table, if a contact is selected for a visit, the cell turns orange, rather than red... and that this cell can be selected again whilst orange, and only goes red/unable to be selected when the capacity of 2 visits per day, per contact is reached?

    Hope this makes sense. I've attached an updated workbook without confidential info, although I will be copying any solutions into my master file. Many thanks.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Capacity calendar using a lookup and conditional formatting?

    I think that's doable. I changed the double-click event to the following to allow for a second entry:

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    I then modified my original CF rule to:

    =AND(COUNTIFS('Raw Data'!$J$2:$J$85,C$5,'Raw Data'!$L$2:$L$85,$B7)=1,C$5<>"")

    ...and set the fill to orange. This should turn a single entry to orange on the capacity calendar. I then made a nearly identical rule with red fill for the cells with two corresponding entries:

    =AND(COUNTIFS('Raw Data'!$J$2:$J$85,C$5,'Raw Data'!$L$2:$L$85,$B7)>1,C$5<>"")

    I wasn't sure what changes you wanted to the Raw Data CF rules, so I did basically the same. If a contact has exactly two entries, the relevant cells will turn orange:


    If someone tries to enter a third matching date/contact booking on Raw Data (by hand, since the double-click calendar event won't allow it), the cells will turn red:


    Experiment a bit with the attachment, see if I've got it...
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