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Copying data from cells when other data on the row changes

  1. #1
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    Copying data from cells when other data on the row changes

    I am not hopeful there is a solution to this post.

    I have a spreadsheet using several worksheets and many formulas to track staff education information.
    I input raw data of staff details into one sheet as given to me by HR. I update another sheet when they are enrolled in a particular training package, then when they finish it. Each time I email them an update by using an email address generated by formulas or manual entry. I don't think it matters what the data or formulas look like at this stage for the purposes of my question.

    Each staff members details are stored on one row per staff member in each sheet. Various columns list training package, progress and email address etc

    I want to know if I can copy or highlight the email address when a change is made to other cells inn the row after opening the excel spreadsheet. If another sheet could be produced that copies each email in a line with a semicolon ; between that would be amazing. But basically I need a list of email addresses related to any change that was made on the spreadsheet since it was opened.
    When the spreadsheet is closed and reopened, the output spreadsheet will be blank so that I am not re-sending emails when a new change is not made made for that staff member.

    Confused? I have scoured the internet and not found what I am after but it sort or relates to monitoring changes https://www.extendoffice.com/documen...l-changes.html and highlighting via conditional formatting https://www.extendoffice.com/documen...e-changes.html

    Any help/advice will be welcome and greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Copying data from cells when other data on the row changes

    I doubt this can be achieved using formulas, you will probably need to use VBA (not my strong side).

    However, it will help more if you could upload a small (clean) sample workbook (not a pic) of what you are working with, and what your expected outcome would look like.
    1. Use code tags for VBA. [code] Your Code [/code] (or use the # button)
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  3. #3
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    Re: Copying data from cells when other data on the row changes

    I too suspected VBA was the way to go. The file is on a work server so I will strip it down and post it within the next 48 hours.
    The track changes function seems too limited in Excel and conditional formatting is even less appropriate.

  4. #4
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    Re: Copying data from cells when other data on the row changes

    Sample Spreadsheet uploaded.

    Data is imported onto tab "Raw Data Entry" and maintained on "From Adobe".
    Whenever a change is made on the tab "From Adobe" I would like the corresponding email address form column N copied to another sheet where i can then copy it to outlook recipients.
    Any change to a staff members details on "From Adobe" needs only to copy the email associated with the name (on the same row) once.

    Each time i close then reopen the spreadsheet, the output sheet that displays the emails will be refreshed and not display anything until i make more changes.

    Thanks again ahead of time as I am not holding my breath this is possible in Excel.

    Even if I have to add another column which displays an arbitrary number when there is a change I could sort the data based on this column and copy only the neighboring emails. But it would need to be cleared before i make more changes. This could be achieved via basic macros linked to an Active X button where i simply clear the entire row of data.
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