What would you expect us to do with information that was loaded incorrectly? The formula is reporting what's captured from the "raw data" tab.

Do you want to highlight those three records in some way?

K2 copied down >> =IF(N(J2),IF((J2+H2)-((G2+I2))>=1,"24 Hours",((J2+H2)-((G2+I2)))),"")

You could also apply conditional formatting to highlight the erroneous row of data.

Conditional Formatting
  • Highlight applicable range >> $A$2:$K$267
  • Home Tab >> Styles >> Conditional Formatting
  • New Rule >> Use a formula to determine which cells to format
  • Edit the Rule Description: Format values where this formula is true: =$K2="24 Hours"
  • Format… [Number, Font, Border, Fill]
  • OK >> OK

Will this work?