Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this, so I'm putting it here. My apologies if I'm wrong!

Like the title says, I am trying to find out a way to have check boxes to filter rows in a table.
I know there is already a Filter drop down menu I can open on the top of the column, but I'm looking for a way to add check boxes instead.

For example:
If I have a table of data A1:E10, and in column 'C' I have different words, such as 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana', etc., could I create check boxes to filter the rows visible by the words in column 'C'? Like a check box for 'Apple', one for 'Orange', etc.

And is it possible to have multiple boxes enabled at once, like if I wanted to see rows that contained the words 'Apple' and 'Orange' together, then could I just check the boxes for 'Apple' and 'Orange' at the same time?

Sorry, I'm really not any good at this stuff, and worse at explaining it lol