Hello guys, my name is Daniel and I new in the forum.

My problem is the follow.

I need to get the average for date and other criteria. This book is update everyday for example:

Sheet: Calculates
Column A Column C Column D Column H
Date Machine Number Cell EOE
September 12 Mego-16 1 50%
September 12 Mego-17 1 30%
September 12 Mego-18 1 27%
September 12 Mego-19 1 41
September 12 Mego-20 1 19%
September 12 Kom-23 2 32%
September 12 Kom-25 2 12%
September 12 Kom-26 2 8%
September 12 Kom-27 0 51
September 12 Kom-28 0 19%
September 11 Mego-16 1 32%
September 11 Mego-17 1 12%
September 11 Mego-18 1 8%
September 11 Mego-19 1 51
September 11 Kom-21 2 19%

Step 1: Filter Date (Example September 12)
Step 2: If Cell (Number 1, 2, 3, 4 etc) exists in the Sheet "Machines") then
Step 3: Calculate average of column H (EOE) by cell

Results in another sheet:

Date Cell EOE%
September 12 1 34%
September 12 2 18%

How can I do this?

I have this Macro to filter the dates but it's not working, my date is of type Text.

Sub DMax()

  Dim DMax As String
  DMax = Format(WorksheetFunction.Max(Worksheets("Calculates").Range("A:A")), "DD/MMMM/YYYY")
  Worksheets("Calculates").Range("$A:$A").AutoFilter Field:=1, Operator:=xlFilterValues, Criteria1:=DMax
End Sub
Could you help me, please.

Is necessary a Macro or maybe it can be done with a formula, I don't expert in Excel.

Thanks in advance.
