Basically looking for the best way to create lists based on criteria in a column, e.g.:


Task Person Status
task1 Person1 Finished
task2 Person2 Finished
task3 Person2 Pending
task4 Person1 Pending

Sheet2 (or word document):

Finished tasks:

Person1 - task1
person2 - task2

Pending tasks:

person2 - task3
person1 - task4

Been a while since I messed around with if statements, but I think I can manage that part. Can't seem to figure out how I'll be able to be able to add rows though? If there are any VBA samples available, I could probably reverse engineer to fit my needs, despite being unable to write code myself. This will be a recurring "report" and need to be "run" on a periodic basis/printed to a memo.

Thanks in advance.