I know there are uncountable sources of information on the internet for excel. I've used them, including this forum. (Thank you, by the way, for taking time to help). Problem is, the easy access to all information at once doesn't make for a good learning structure, for me anyway. It's like leaving an 8-year-old at the buffet table, which includes dessert. I've gone right for the ice cream and skipped the broccoli.

I'm looking for recommendations for a good book. Given my schedule, I spend a lot of time without access to a computer and enjoy reading. Also, I just like the "feel" of a book in my hand. To give an idea of my level:

I think I'd classify myself as beginner/ intermediate. I'm self-taught over the past 10 years and learned most of what I know from forums, youtube, and online resources. I've worked with VBA, macros, and formulas. I have a pretty good book for Access VBA that I've read.

I've developed a strange skill set. I can do way more than I should be able to do. I'm advanced but with huge holes in my game given the way I learned, jumping around without getting a solid base of fundamentals. I've reverse engineered a lot of the code I've written. I've worked with nested loops, arrays and formulas. I've also done this in Access. But the way I've done it sometimes has been pretty sketchy. I've written some pretty complex VBA code but I know it's not efficient. I would find the code on the internet, copy, paste and tweak it. It would work but I didn't necessarily have a full understanding why.

So I guess my weaknesses would be fundamentals, including some of the front end stuff like charts and graphs. I recently started with an online course and am learning a lot of the fundamentals but as I said above, I'd really like something in a book format. I've checked Amazon for Excel books that include VBA but the ones with good reviews often return a poor score from Fakespot. For those who don't know what that is, it's a site for determining the validity of reviews on Amazon and a couple of other sites. Meaning the reviews were bogus.

I searched the forum and found a recommendation from 2008 but nothing in the past year. I'm using the latest(i think) version of Excel from Office 365 Version 1808
