Hi all. Using Microsoft Excel as part of the Office365 package on a Macbook Pro running Windows 10/Bootcamp.

I'm embarking on a hiphop music keyword research project. I am working on a list of every hiphop artist and group I can possibly think of. Once this list is completed I will use a keyword research tool to find all popular keywords for each artist and group. I need to create one Excel sheet that will store all this information.

I need at least three ways to sort this data: by artist location, by sub-genre (classic or new, for instance) and by group affiliation. For example, the artist Aceyalone is from California so his location would be California. His sub-genre is classic, and his group affiliation is Freestyle Fellowship.

How can I adjust this data so that the entire list of all artist can easily be viewed by any one of these data points? For example, if I wanted to summon up a list of all California artists.
Even better, what if I wanted to summon up a list according to two or more data points? For instance, all artists that are California and of the classic subgenre.

This is simple stuff for you guys I'm sure. But Excel has always eluded me.

Thank you in advance.