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Custom Formatting to display numbers in lakhs

  1. #1
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    Custom Formatting to display numbers in lakhs


    I want custom formatting for particular scenario..

    125000 to 1.25
    315600 to 3.16
    512526 to 5.13

    In short r/off in lakhs upto 2 decimals..is this possible from custom formatting? I don't want to use any of the round functions for the same..

  2. #2
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Custom Formatting to display numbers in lakhs

    Yeah if you format as "Accouting" that will automatically display two decimal places. And you can select the appropriate currency symbol as well.

    But do you also want it to divide it by 100,000 as well, or what?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Custom Formatting to display numbers in lakhs

    Yes I want it to divide by 100000 also..

  4. #4
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    Re: Custom Formatting to display numbers in lakhs

    Try this custom format:

    Please remember that formatting does not change the underlying number, so the 512526 will still calculate as 512526 - it will just display as 5.13 instead.

    I recently started a new job so am a bit busy and may not reply quickly. Sorry - it's not personal - I will reply eventually.
    If your problem is solved, please go to 'Thread Tools' above your first post and 'Mark this Thread as Solved'.
    If you use commas as your decimal separator (1,23 instead of 1.23) then please replace commas with semi-colons in your formulae.
    You don't need to give me rep if I helped, but a thank-you is nice.

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