Hello there,
Hopefully everybody is fine,

I have planned a lot and structured the data for many hours and days,
now I would like to know how I can link excel cell value of workbook1 to workbook2 in the case that they are in google drive because when I opened the other workbook is shows a message which contain "update", "not update", "Help" when I click update it gets the local link while I am working with another people for example me for sales and other for purchase and so on so how I can unify the link to be 1 or what is the possible idea to avoid changing the normal cell link to local path.

Another thing can I encrypt the sheet with password if I can all of my problem is solved without any extra step so I can put all of the tables in different sheets and lock each of them with password because I don't want user1 to see user2 data and so on... so I have permissions also I just want user1 to see what I just get from user2 table and the opposite is true.

Actually I have an idea but I didn't test it out yet...
the idea is: to let 2 laptops or devices carry on the same Username and to let google drive to be installed in the same path so even if the link converted to local link, it still can get the values without any problem I don't know if this idea is correct or not but this is what I am thinking about currently.

Thank you so much,
hopefully my question is clear if there's not clear please tell me about it.