Good morning.

I have a large spreadsheet that is a compilation of surveys for c750 retail stores.

At the beginning of the spreadsheet are a number of columns, including store code, store name, first line of address etc. These are all populated using the VLOOKUP feature referencing another spreadsheet on our network. All columns work fine EXCEPT the column that displays the Post Code (Zip Code).

For some reason, this column returns #REF!

The formula is exactly the same as all the other columns, except obviously the column to be taken as the answer.

Example :

For the "Address Line One" cell I am using the following formula : =VLOOKUP($A3,'I:\Colleague Information\Store lists\[All Stores List - Franchise & Core Stores - 01.03.2019]Core Stores'!$B$4:$O$775,11,FALSE) This works fine.
For the "Post Code" cell I am using : =VLOOKUP($A3,'I:\Colleague Information\Store lists\[All Stores List - Franchise & Core Stores - 01.03.2019]Core Stores'!$B$4:$O$775,15,FALSE)

In the address spreadsheet column 11 refers to address line one, and column 15 refers to Post Code so I know that I am using the correct column numbers.

Any ideas as to why the Post Code cell would return a #REF! error?

Thanks in advance