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Problems trying to match criteria in lookup queries

  1. #1
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    Problems trying to match criteria in lookup queries

    Hi all,

    First time poster, long time lurker...

    Tried all that I can think of but this seems to be not working.

    I have a data set comprised of a numbering system using MasterFormat - the numbering in my table is for example 01 10 00 or what have you and the next column is the name of that division. What I am trying to do is pull over that information in another sheet to autofill the description when I put in the MasterFormat number... vlookup will not work, best I can do is kind of get it to pull the item above the one I want, for example I want 08 00 00, it will pull 07 98 00, which I have to use approximate to do. exact just gives an error. index match just gives an error. I tried seeing if perhaps it is the formatting, tried exact command, it shows they are different. Any ideas on how to search or reorganize the data to search....

    Last edited by AliGW; 08-14-2019 at 10:02 AM.

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    Re: Lookup (vlookup or index-match) not doing what I'd like - cannot match queries

    If the numbering in the lookup table and the lookup criteria are consistent then there is no obvoius reason why it should not work with exact match, that is of course assuming that there is a match within the table.

    Because of the format your numbers are actually text strings not proper numbers, so that could be part of the reason why approx is not working as expected.
    Also bear in mind that the lookup table will need to be sorted in ascending order for approx match to work.

    If that doesn't help then a sample workbook (with fictional data that accurately represents your real data) will be required so that we can see exactly what you have and how excel is interpreting the numbers.

    To attach a file, hit 'Go Advanced' then scroll down and look for the 'Manage Attachments' text link (not the paper clip icon, that is broken).

  3. #3
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    Re: Lookup (vlookup or index-match) not doing what I'd like - cannot match queries

    Here is a sample I whipped up - hope it illustrates the point. Thank you.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
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    Re: Lookup (vlookup or index-match) not doing what I'd like - cannot match queries

    Did you copy your data from a web page?

    The source table contains non breaking spaces, which are not the same as the space that you type with the keyboard.

    On the MFDivisions sheet, press Ctrl h

    Make sure that the 'Find What' box is completely empty, then hold the Alt key and type 0160 on the number pad (doesn't work with the numbers on the top row of the keyboard).
    Enter a normal space with the spacebar into the 'Repalce With' box, then hit 'Replace All'

    Now VLOOKUP and INDEX / MATCH should work properly with exact match.

    In D6, =LEFT([@Division],2)&" 00 00"
    In E6, =VLOOKUP([@[MF Level 1]],MFdivisions!D4:E6494,2,0)

    Hopefully you can figure out the other 2 from that, if not, shout for help

  5. #5
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    Talking Re: Lookup (vlookup or index-match) not doing what I'd like - cannot match queries

    Thank you! that worked wonderfully! I didn't realize the spaces were off, I had gotten the source data from someone else. I will have to add this trick to my toolbox. Thank you so much!

  6. #6
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    Re: Lookup (vlookup or index-match) not doing what I'd like - cannot match queries

    Administrative Note:

    Welcome to the forum.

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    Please take a moment to amend your thread title. Make sure that the title properly explains your request. Your title should be explicit and not be generic (this includes function names used without an indication of what you are trying to achieve).

    Please see Forum Rule #1 about proper thread titles and adjust accordingly. To edit the thread title, open the original post to edit and then click on Go Advanced (bottom right) to access the area where you can edit your title.

    (Note: this change is not optional. As you are new here, I will do it for you this time, but next time please do it yourself.)

    Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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