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Date in column header won't work in formula

  1. #1
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    Date in column header won't work in formula

    I've built an amortization table and have dates as column headers.
    1/1/2019, 2/1/2019, 3/1/2019,...

    In another table I have Start Date and End Date columns. I've built a formula that essentially says, =IF(AND(1/1/2019 is > Start Date, 1/1/2019 < End Date),"TRUE", "")

    So if it's between the start and end date I want a "TRUE" result.

    This formula works fine when I have my data in just a range. (as you'll see in the file).
    The second I turned that range into a table the formula gave me a false reading (because the dates in the column headers are now acting as TEXT and not DATES, despite me changing the format to date).

    How can I fix this or workaround it?

    See file attachment.
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    Last edited by canefan17; 10-20-2019 at 03:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Date in column header won't work in formula

    Will you please attach a small sample Excel workbook? We are not able to work with or manipulate a picture of one and nobody wants to have to recreate your data from scratch.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Date in column header won't work in formula

    I have attached my file.

    You will see the 2 amortization tables on the right.

    1 is just a range of data (and gives me the correct results), and 1 is a table (which gives me blanks despite it being the same formula.

    I suspect the table isn't working because the headers are dates, and Excel apparently auto-formats them to text (which means the IF formula isn't effective anymore).

    How can I get those date headers back into date format? I've tried many things to no avail.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Date in column header won't work in formula

    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    H$28*1 also works
    Last edited by protonLeah; 10-19-2019 at 10:09 PM.
    Ben Van Johnson

  5. #5
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    Re: Date in column header won't work in formula

    Thanks. I ultimately decided to just put a row above the table with the dates, and then hide the row.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Date in column header won't work in formula

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

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