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Importing data to new column, with cell contents filled based on existing column data

  1. #1
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    Importing data to new column, with cell contents filled based on existing column data

    Sorry if my title is a bad description - I'm finding it hard to briefly explain what I am trying to achieve (which isn't helping me search for useful terms).
    Attached is a small example spreadsheet with my two existing sheets, and what I would like to achieve.

    I have data in one sheet which has two relevant identifiers ('ID' and 'ScientificName' - these are consistent and linked). Each ID/ScientifiName might have several Threat Codes, so can appear in multiple rows in this sheet.

    I want to add the 'Assessment' data from a different sheet - here each ID/ScientificName appears only once.

    Can I pull in the 'Assessment' data and somehow link it to either 'ID' or 'ScientificName' so that the correct 'Assessment' data will appear in a new column, including the repeats where they occur...?

    Thanks in advance for any help with this! Even any help on what terms might be useful for me to search would be appreciated!
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  2. #2
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    Re: Importing data to new column, with cell contents filled based on existing column data

    In D2, you can copy this formula and then copy it down the list:


  3. #3
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    Re: Importing data to new column, with cell contents filled based on existing column data

    Thank you, that's perfect - I knew there would be a way!!

  4. #4
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    Re: Importing data to new column, with cell contents filled based on existing column data

    Hi - I have an updated issue to tag onto this question. I've been trying to work out why in some cases I was getting unexpected errors (#N/A) when I realised that when I had copied the formula down the column, it had changed the index and match ranges so that the item being searched for was no longer within the prescribed search range.


    Became =INDEX(ASSESSMENT!D3:D6773, MATCH(C3,ASSESSMENT!C3:C6773,0)) when I copied it down.

    I do want the 'C2' to change to 'C3' in the first part of MATCH, but I don't want the given ranges for INDEX or MATCH (the bits in bold above) to change - I want these to be the same all the way down the column.

    Is there a quick fix for this? I hope so because copy-paste down >4000 rows is going to take me a while!!

    EDITED TO ADD: I worked it out - simply using the $ to fix column and row references for those ranges!
    Last edited by swren; 12-09-2019 at 07:23 PM. Reason: Worked out the answer!!

  5. #5
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    Re: Importing data to new column, with cell contents filled based on existing column data

    Hence, why the formula given in Post #2 HAD the $ signs already in it

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