What you need to understand about dates and times in excel is…

a date is just a number representing the number of days passed since 1/1/900...and then formatted in a way that we recognize as a date. So, for instance, today (Wed 11 Mar 2020) is actually 43901

Time is actually a decimal part of 1 (day), so 06:00 AM is 0.25, 12 noon is 0.5 and 18:00 (or 6 PM) is 0.75

With that said, you will never find eg 35:44:00,you would need to search for something like 0.488888889

However, Time can go out to a lot of decimal places, your sample is actually 0.488888888888889000000 (excel only goes out to 16 significant decimals though)
Soooo now you have the problem of deciding on what level of accuracy you want, then rounding your time values to somehting you can use in a vlookup