I'm sure there are better ways to do things than I know in excel/google sheets; so please be patient with my ignorance.

My sales team each has their own tab with the document that I then query to group the data from a particular lead source.
This creates a list for me combining all leads from a specific source, but now I can't view which salesman it's assigned to.

I know I can add a column within each tab identifying the salesman, but don't want to ad that column for other reasons.

Is there a way to have query populate what sheet it is accessing this data in addition to the data?

Here is my current working query:
=QUERY({'LK Bidboard'!A10:T;'JK BIDboard'!A10:T;'JM BIDboard'!A10:T;'RI BIDboard'!A10:T;'AM BIDboard'!A10:T},"select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col5, Col7, Col9, Col10, Col11, Col12, Col13, Col14, Col16, Col17, Col19 where Col4 = 'Bid Boards / Invitation' order by Col7 DESC",0)

It searches 5 salesman tabs,
only populates 14 columns of data,
only populates the data with the lead source = "Bid Boards / Invitation"
and then displays the data in descending order based on when the lead was recieved.

Now I just want it to populate a column of which tab that data came from.
Is this possible?

Thank you in advance!