
I'm trying to separate the "h" and "min" using the space in between with the 'LEFT' and 'MID' formula (eg. 2h 45min)

In certain cells only the "h" or "min" is present (eg '2h' or '40min'). So I need to create a small excel "IF-ELSE" formula where, if the cell does not contain "h" or "min", it returns me the string present in the cell. I tried the following to separately get the 'h' and 'min' string:

=IF(SEARCH(" ",LEFT(C2,(FIND(" ",C2,1)-1)),C2))
=IF(SEARCH(" ",MID(C2,FIND(" ",C2)+1,256)),C2))

The formula isn't executing and is giving a variable issue. Where am I going wrong?