
Thanks in advance for your help.

My situation:
I need to embed a selection of PowerPoints and Excel files as objects in a single Excel file. All of these files are reports, with the file name and icon name of each report describing the content contained therein. But, when the embedded files are opened by the end user of this master reports repository, they need to keep their original names. Instead, an embedded PPT, for example, just says "Presentation in 'Excel file name'.xlsx" when it's opened, and if you try to Save as.. on the opened PPT, then the default save name is "Untitled.pptx".

Other potentially helpful information:
-I am in the 2016 suite, Windows OS
-I can manage the names of the icons just fine. But those names do not carry over to the embedded file once it's been opened.
-My embedded files' sources are a shared network location, but I attempted to embed local files as well and they still do not retain their name.

Is what I am asking for even possible? If it's not, that's okay - but wanted to try and know for sure!