Hi all,

Nice to meet you, I'm new here and hope to get some help with estimating the possible outcome based on existing variables.
I'm working on a calculation with several conditions, such as:

- Ideal price people were willing to pay in the last 100 days: $30 (at this price, 100% of the customers would purchase it)
- Avg buy price in the past 100 days: $39
- Avg units sold in the past 100 days: 3000/day

- Ideal price the company was originally willing to sell in the last 30 days: $50 (the price would not go higher than $50)
- Avg sell price in the past 30 days: $42
- Avg units sold in the past 30 days: 3500/day

- Ideal price people are willing to pay today: $35 (at this price, 100% of the customers would purchase it today)
- Avg buy price today (half-day so far): $38
- Units sold today (half-day so far): 1000

Note 1: the higher the number of units sold, the higher the price gets, up to $50.
Note 2: today 100% of the customers would purchase one unit if the price was $35.

Result I'm looking for:
Based on the past data, and considering the people that showed up today are less than average,
- what would be the odds for people to buy today above $39?
- what would be the odds for people to buy today above $42?

I'd appreciate any idea on how to tackle this problem.
Thanks for any help.