
Our company is using Office 365 (version 2305, Build 16501.20242). Most of us work remotely and access our company's network via a program called Global Protect. We access a workbook that is saved to a shared drive. I go in and update a central workbook, and each user has their own copy of this workbook, which gets updated from the central workbook. Everyone's workbook opens and updates just fine, with the exception of one user. Everyone else has high speed internet, while this one user has a poor network connection (only around 10gbps). Opening this one user's workbook takes a very long time, and then it will update, but I always need to repair the workbook before she can use it again. If I repair that workbook before update, it then updates normally and can open and close just like the other users (which is what I normally do). But then this user will do her work during the day, and the next day, her workbook needs to be repaired again before updating.

I'm not sure if this is actually an Excel thing with her settings that can be fixed, or likely a network issue with her connection. I'm trying to find a way to fix it, or at least a better understanding of what this internet connection is doing that might be causing this issue. Thanks for any ideas.