Dear community,

I've long been searching for a suitable spreadsheet in helping me calculate the final marks for the term / semester report. As a language teacher, I commonly end up with marks for:

- vocabulary

- grammar

- reading

- writing

- listening

- speaking

As not all exams are equally big and/or important, and as I usually end up with tons of vocabulary tests and few writings, for instance, each grade must be assigned its individual weighting - or 'importance' so to speak.

I've tried for quite a while, but the result is too complicated and - if I'm not extra careful - easily leads to errors or malfunctions. I should have written down all the other commands I'd come across while researching feasible solutions that other had suggested online. I'm 100% sure that some of theses would yield a way more satisfying result.

One sheet contains data such as Name 'main class', 'level in French' etc. You best just ignore that.
The fields 'AJ' to 'BJ' where a trick I used to avoid that, if the field should remain empty (student didn't sit the exam), Excel doesn't spit out an error or count it as 0 (zero).

You can find and download the spreadsheet here: Weighted Grades.xlsx.

Would be absolutely awesome if you could help.
Many best regards, thank you kindly in advance, and I hope you're well.