Hi legends,
So the school system that I am working in has a scale for student achievement that starts at the letter A (the lowest) and 10 being the highest.
The specific progression scale is annoying as it doesn't follow the standard logic that you would think applies. Here is the full scale:
A, B, C, D, 0.5, F, F.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10
What I am trying to get this spreadsheet to do is to conditionally format the numbers in the columns based on the students achievement score and their year level. To explain the scale more, 2.0 is the expected progression point for a student who has finished grade 2. 2.5 is the expected achievement level for a student who is half way through grade 2, 3.0 is the expected for grade 3 and so forth. The letters A,B,C and D refer to students whose level of achievement is below the expected result for any student who is in primary school and usually is representative of a student with a learning difficulty. F is the expected level of a student in their 'Foundation' year of school, and F.5 is half way through grade 1. 0.5 refers to a student who is half way through their 'Foundation' year of schooling, which is why the scale is messy. If you're confused by the explanation have a look in the sheet in the tab where I've outlined it in table form.
I believe I've got the sheet doing what I want it to do for column E, however I haven't been able to find an easy way to copy the same conditional formatting into the other columns without having to individually alter the formulas. I also haven't applied the conditional formatting to the exceptions e.g. if a student is more than 12 months below where it involves an F. An example being a student who is in Foundation at the end of semester 1 and has an achievement level of D would make them 6 months behind the expected level (of 0.5) and would result in a red conditionally formatted cell. There are 2 semesters, and the semester 1 report will be 0.5 less than the end of year score e.g. grade 3 student at the expected level for semester 1 will show a score of 2.5.
I hope all of that makes sense, and please ask any questions if there's anything I have failed to mention! Thanks heaps!