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Excel format changes as I merge into Word document How can I stop

  1. #1

    Excel format changes as I merge into Word document How can I stop

    How can I stop the formating of an Excel worksheet being change when merged
    into a Word document. The main data changed is the currency data (losses its
    decimal point if 00) also date data changes from English format to UK format
    with time. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Excel format changes as I merge into Word document How can I stop

    Debra Dalgleish posted this for a different question:

    In the Mail Merge, after you select your Excel file as a data source,
    you should see a 'Confirm Data Source' dialog box.
    (If you don't see the dialog box, change the setting in Word --
    under Tools>Options, General -- add a check mark to
    'Confirm Conversion at Open')

    From that list, choose 'MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls)', and your
    formatting will be retained.

    If you have to connect through a different source, you can format the
    fields in the Word document. For example, to specify a number of decimals:

    1. In Word, in the Main Document, press Alt+F9 to view the field codes.
    2. Find the field code for the number. It will look something like:
    { MERGEFIELD FieldName }
    3. Add a switch, to format the number with two decimal places.
    For example:
    { MERGEFIELD FieldName \# "#,##0.00" }
    4. Press Alt+F9 to hide the field codes.
    5. Save the Main Document

    (I bet you could modify it for your situation.)

    AngieDerbyshire wrote:
    > How can I stop the formating of an Excel worksheet being change when merged
    > into a Word document. The main data changed is the currency data (losses its
    > decimal point if 00) also date data changes from English format to UK format
    > with time. Any ideas?


    Dave Peterson

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