Am desperately hoping someone can help as despite months of enquiring I still haven't found the answers!

In Excel (2002) is it possible to change the default border line to the second option (the fine dotted line that prints as a feint line) rather than the default standard line which is the seventh option, so that a feint line border can be obtained by just clicking the button on the toolbar rather than having to go via 'format' 'cells' border' each time?

Does anyone know why when the feint line is selected on borders in a colour it still prints in black? I need to be able to print fine colour lines rather than the default thick line. (It is nothing to do with printer settings!). When you select the default thick line in a colour, it will print colour - so why not the feint lines?

And my last problem - why can I not copy/paste text with borders from Excel into CorelDraw 10? The text imports fine, but the borders disappear (yet if you couble click to edit it, the borders appear again but only for the length of editing). I have tried going via Paint & Paint shop Pro, but the text diminishes in quality, whereas it remains crisp in CorelDraw.

Please Help!!