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Program search

  1. #1

    Program search

    Is there a program to calculate a total out of a list of numbers? The
    problem I am having is that I have one total on my bank statement, but
    several numbers that might make up the total. I need a program that will
    make it easier for me to figure out what makes up the total

  2. #2
    Peo Sjoblom

    RE: Program search

    An example using solver



    Peo Sjoblom

    "Gwen" wrote:

    > Is there a program to calculate a total out of a list of numbers? The
    > problem I am having is that I have one total on my bank statement, but
    > several numbers that might make up the total. I need a program that will
    > make it easier for me to figure out what makes up the total

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