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column mapping from on sheet to the next

  1. #1

    column mapping from on sheet to the next

    What is the fastest/easiest way to take data from one Excel sheet in columns A, B, C, ...etc. and load it in another sheet in order I, J, A, C, K, G etc (with some columns being left unused as they don't exist in the source sheet). I have ten of those workbooks in order of A, B, C ...etc. and need to bring them (after some column manipulation) into a single new workbook.

    I am now thinking to copy and paste all ten of those workbooks into one, do the data manipulation (i.e. separating last name and first name etc) and then just cut and paste columns in the needed order. But I was hoping for an import that let me select where to map the columns.



  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: column mapping from on sheet to the next

    I think I'd approach it the same way as you--merge all the worksheets, then

    If it's something you have to do lots of times, you may want to record a macro
    when you rearrange the columns.

    Then you could just run that macro when you had to do the rearrangement.

    (I don't think there's a generic solution for what you're asking.)

    HansM wrote:
    > What is the fastest/easiest way to take data from one Excel sheet in columns A, B, C, ...etc. and load it in another sheet in order I, J, A, C, K, G etc (with some columns being left unused as they don't exist in the source sheet). I have ten of those workbooks in order of A, B, C ...etc. and need to bring them (after some column manipulation) into a single new workbook.
    > I am now thinking to copy and paste all ten of those workbooks into one, do the data manipulation (i.e. separating last name and first name etc) and then just cut and paste columns in the needed order. But I was hoping for an import that let me select where to map the columns.
    > Thanks,
    > HansM


    Dave Peterson

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