I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that will copy Worksheet A Cell B5 to
Worksheet B Cell B5 and Worksheet A Cell B6 to Worksheet B Cell C5 'X'
Times but, Worksheet A Cell B5 will be increasing by 1 until it reaches
the 'X' times. When this is done I then want my worksheet to generate
'X' (this is inputed by the user) how many times the Worksheet will
generate after Worksheet B Cell B5 and C5. For example:
Worksheet A
Cell B5 = 123
Cell B6 = 6
Number of times input by user: B7 = 10

Worksheet B
Cell B5 = 123 Cell B6 = 6
Cell B5 = 124 Cell B6 = 7
Cell B5 = 132 Cell B6 = 6

If you need any more info just post. Any help is welcomed.

