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Sharing information between Access and Excel

  1. #1
    C.M. Warden

    Sharing information between Access and Excel

    I have a real Dilbert kind of assignment that I am hoping that someone can
    give me a hand with. Currently my company uses a spreadsheet to calculate
    the commision for the sales folks. They want to have a way of saving the
    information for historical reasons and want a database. (Personally I don't
    see why they just don't save off versions of the database but I don't get to
    make that kind of suggestions.)

    The spreadsheet is not that complex so there really isn't much that the
    database would have to store. It does, however, have a number of
    calculations that are based off of the few imputs.

    My problem is this. How do I, using either Access or Excel XP, create a
    means of displaying the information in a format familer to the users. When I
    try to use a Excel drop-in in a Access report and try to import the
    information in I get an error that the database is already in use. When I
    try to go through Excel, I can't seem to find a dynamic way to send a query
    to Access to pull the information that I need.

    I might be missing something simple but I am beating my head against the
    wall at this point so I could use a fresh perspective.


  2. #2
    Dave O

    Re: Sharing information between Access and Excel

    What would Dilbert do?

    To summarize: you have a working Excel application that is doing the
    job, but the suits want it entered in Access. Do you know why? Do
    they expect the work flow to expand so dramatically that it will
    require a database?

    You may want to explain that Excel is much more intuitive for most
    people, and that the amount of time required to develop an Access
    database to do a job that's already being done is not worth the payoff.

    The pure Dilbert solution is to continue doing it in Excel and create a
    dummy database that provides the "cool"? factor the suits are looking
    for. Go on vacation and have someone else try to generate your report
    from the dummy database; they'll fail because it never worked in the
    first place. Your choice at that point is to either casually provide
    the report or "work all night to recover the data" and provide the
    report, again from Excel.

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